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[[ceb_log ]]
[[ceb_log ]]
*[[PF Top Nav]]; [[Upd_pcb | PCB]]; [[Aiw_hardware | Hardware]]; [[AIW_assembly | Assembly]]  [[PFMENU DOCS | PFCmdMenu]]  [[iochan]]  
*[[PF Top Nav]]; [[Upd_pcb | PCB]]; [[Aiw_hardware | Hardware]]; [[AIW_assembly | Assembly]]  [[PFMENU DOCS | PFCmdMenu]]  [[iochan]]  
*PCA : [[Upd_2x0_218_controller | SC/MC 218]] [[Upd_2x0_217_power_board| FET 217]] [[Rev200_mods]]   
*PCA : [[Upd_2x0_218_controller | SC/MC 218]] [[Upd_2x0_217_power_board| FET 217]] [[Upd_219_imu | IMU219]] [[Wip4a-spi | Swiffy]] [[Rev200_mods]]   
*PFCMD : [[PFMENU_DOCS | SC]]; [[PFMENU_DOCS_MC | MC]]; [[PFCMD_PY]];  [[Pf_calb_table_py]]; [[Virtual spring test]]; [[PF1_Code_History]]; [[PF EEPROM]]
*PFCMD : [[PFMENU_DOCS | SC]]; [[PFMENU_DOCS_MC | MC]]; [[PFCMD_PY]];  [[Pf_calb_table_py]]; [[Virtual spring test]]; [[PF1_Code_History]]; [[PF EEPROM]]

Revision as of 18:23, 3 July 2009



  • IMU signal processing
    • accelerometer, direct output ; ratiometric, powered by 3.0V ref
    • z axis gyro : powered by 5V, uses 3.0V ref on Vratio, 267k at Sumj; dynamic rage = 500 deg/sec
    • x&y gyro : 3v power supply
    • gyro and accl signals all have 1k, 0.1uF RC filter

6-30-09 todo

  • zero encoder based on calibrated hall sensor.
  • write python program to bump overload parameters, and monitor max
  • PC programs to load/save defaults
  • program to convert matlab calb files into python calb table

before next track test

  • create a command that has a single parameter to specify the type of code to run
    • wake into mode 0, sensors are operational (for test jig)
    • wake into mode 0, but also do commutation (for test jig where ankle will be driven.)
    • wake into walking mode, with impulse current = 0
    • wake into walking mode, using EEPROM defaults, but impulse current = 0
    • wake into walking mode, using EEPROM defaults, with impulse current
    • DEMO mode : using EEPROM defaults, relaxed enabled, full impulse current
    • ability to specify which EEPROM table is the default.
  • ability to read out the SG offset log - seems to have an issue...
  • DONE : use CRC with WIFI_FAST
  • MORE WORK : load / save walking parameters
  • IS USED FOR HALL SENSOR : use calibration table
  • TODO : use motor current offset.
  • VERIFY : use force fields
  • TODO : glue down hall sensor.


  • detech motor faults - just to holding state.
  • overload warning - detect and servo to safe position.
  • integrate in the EEPROM code.
  • VERIFY : during swing issue a test current into the motor to measure it's resistance (store somewhere)
  • statemachine - look at MC offset, if there is much disagreement with defaults then signal error
  • statemachine - log SG offsets
  • add thermal model for motor and ACS712 to state controller
  • code to make sure the motor is moving correctly when reseting the encoder.
  • learn to use the EEPROM. log SG torque at boot, and during each step.
  • capture initial SG offset into EEPROM
  • capture SG offset during swing into EEPROM

PCB IW812a

  • encoder breakout
  • current sensor - isense1 (unipolar)
  • faux SG board
  • sg breakouts x 4
  • pser1d - udp compat pser
  • fup1 - gender changer

PCB todo

4 layer

  • re-spin motor and state controllers? Knee PCB?
  • send out PSER1D and other boards in 4layer nice.
  • WIFI w/2Meg RAM
  • electronic fuse, ballancer, ON/OFF switch - battery pack less the charger.
  • FUP flash drive datalogger.
  • if needed - FUP datalogger w/Wifi / BT and 2meg ram
  • motor voltage circuit
  • In VNC1 : change 3.3V regulator to MCP1700, 3.3V  ; 2.2M resistor to 2.0Meg; voltage and resistor for the LT3470 regulator


  • need a way to verify that TVS is operational. need to see what effect T has on TVS voltage.

  • MC code improvement
    • verify Q15 operation of code on MC
    • MC feedforward.
    • motor controller safety and thermal model for motor and FETs - needs to stop motor....
    • motor commands needs to allow readback of selected sensor (so we can cycle through lots of sensors)

  • current measurement PCB (with Y voltage measure)
  • encoder breakout boards
  • SG breakout boards
  • new WIFI wireless