VT 2

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Revision as of 16:25, 16 April 2015 by Ceb (talk | contribs) (ucmd : send user commands to instrument)
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Previous release Documentation (VT1)

Preliminary documentation for VT_2, the Visualization Tool revision $Id: gui_3.m 66 2015-04-16 13:22:51Z brainfog $


Config File

The file config.txt is read at startup and can be re-read during VT operation by press the 'CFG' button. The config file format is that of an 'INI file' [1]. There are two sections from this file that are processed.

  • selected : any variable listed in this section will be automatically selected when the config file is read.
  • axis_limits : a list of key=value pairs where the key is the variable name and the value is a 2 element vector that specifies that minimum and maximum y-axis. Variables listed in this section are also selected by default.

# these variables are selected 

# specify axis limits and select the variables

Note : the section names should be lower case, however case of the variables is ignored.

ucmd : send user commands to instrument

 Convenience function to send commands to instrument using the global 'mc'
 object and its method send_user_command_string()
 ucmd('data_interval 1');

 If an output argument is present, upon success returns 0
 on error returns a negative value