Docs testjig

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Testjig calibration and datacollection

for dataport collection

  • The PFCMD menu steals most of the COMM ports - so the Wifi (when using a COM port) program must be running first

Starting the testjig program for calibration mode

Starting the testjig program for torque mode

To start the Testjig:
  Click the 'Power Foot Testjig'.

To position the foot at position zero:
   Click the 'Position' radio button.
   In the 'Target' column and 'Position' row, set the target position to zero.
   Click 'Goto Target'.
   Click 'Query' to update the stats on the screen.

To use the 'Torque mode':
   Click the 'Torque Mode' radio button.
   In the ‘Samples/Sec.’ field, set the value to 1.
   In the ‘Duration (sec.)’ field, set the value to 1.
   Click 'Browse' and select the file: scaled0.5Torque_5ms_Vector.txt
   In the 'Passes' field, set the number of times you want the foot to perform a down/up cycle.
   Click 'Goto Target'.
   To stop the foot before the number of passes has been reached, click 'Stop'. If you questions