CalibFix Users

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Calibration Fixture

PF Calibration Procedure

  1. First time cycle encoder board
  2. Zero mechanical
    1. Bearings must be touching ramp
  3. Check Firmware Revision using PF_CMD
    1. Check State Controller (SC)
      1. svn:\\PowerFoot\tags\StateControl-751
    2. Check Motor Controller (MC)
      1. svn:\\PowerFoot\tags\MotorControl-753
  4. Zero backdrive motor via EPOS UI
    1. Move the A-frame until the ankle K3 spring roller just engages the ramp
    2. Run EPOS program
    3. Click Status -> Reset Node
    4. Click Clear Errors
    5. Click Enable EPOS and check for green light
    6. Exit the EPOS program
  5. Run TestJig
    1. TestJig: Zero Angle
      1. Move to position 20000 (External Motor Box (upper left of screen)
        1. In the Position menu line, enter 0 in the target box
        2. Click Go to Target
      2. Move to position -20000
      3. Move to position 0
      4. Repeat steps 1-3 twice
      5. Zero the External Ankle Deg. reading
        1. In the External Encoder Box (lower right), click Zero in the Angle Deg. box
    2. TestJig: Parallel Spring Test
      1. Clear the Data Query check boxes
      2. Set the following parameters (others leave at 0)
        1. Sampling Rate 10
        2. Duration 3600
        3. Initial 64000
        4. Final -38000
        5. Passes 20
        6. Accel 0.6
        7. Decel 0.3
        8. RPM 22
        9. Move to position 64000
        10. Click Go to Target
      3. Test should run for ~45 minutes
    3. TestJig: Series Spring Test
      1. Go to Motor Position 0
      2. Click Query (not the check box) in the External Motor box
      3. Zero the Ankle Deg.
      4. Set the following parameters (others leave at 0)
        1. Sampling Rate 100
        2. Duration 3000
        3. Initial 46000
        4. Final 0
        5. Passes 20
        6. Accel 1.5
        7. Decel 1.5
        8. RPM 45000
        9. Move to position 0
        10. Click Query
        11. Zero the Ankle Deg
        12. Move to position 46000
        13. Click Query
        14. Click Go to Target
      5. Test should run for ~3 minutes