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Taken from :http://scripts.mit.edu/~biomechatronics/wiki/index.php?title=BLMD6C
* On MD board, replace RI2 with 40k, or RI1 with 5k ???  (M2-M10 built this way, may have correct IW1-5, M1)
* On FET board, replace  RB1 with large resistance to identify board  (M2-M10 have 1M, M1, I1-I5 have random values)
* Add 3.0V SOD-123 zener (top) between RT1 and CO1.  Zener bar on RT1 side. (M8,M10,I4 corrected)
* FUTURE : Replace ZAP50 with ZAP25.
* User loop code to collect many samples from ADC1 (DMA in scatter gather mode)
* Redo motor temp sensing circuit
* Correct AVCC error on ADISR2 - install jumper
* increase local supply voltage to 5.6V, (put 3.9M across 200k) - or use 187 to 191k
== encoder / hall ==
(Has 5V pullups, and 5 to 3.3V level shifters)
* PB3 - ENC.N
* PB4 - ENC.A
* PB5 - ENC.B
(Has 5V pullups, otherwise no protection)
* PD5 - HALL1
* PD6 - HALL2
* PD7 - HALL3
==analog inputs==
* NOTE CH0 is the muxed channel
* AN0 (CH1) - MOT.U
* AN1 (CH2) - V.IBAT
* AN2 (CH3)- MOT.W
* AN10 - VBUS
* AN12 - M.TEMP
* AN13 - ANA.IN (FET)
* I1 : 1M
* I2 : 665K
* I3 : 330K
* I4 : 200K
* I5 : 100k
* M1 : 2.0M
calc values of r for desired ADC readings.
adc = 8:32:1024'
r = 1024 * Vcc5 * RB2 ./ (Vcc3.3 * adc)' - RB2
r = 1024 * 5 * 100 ./ (3.3 * adc)' - 100
==hall to BLMD6c==
* 2 (4-23-08) used on ALHPA3
* 3 untested
* 4 untested
* 5 seems to have intermittent connection
* 6 (4-23-08) used on ALPHA1 for now.
* TOP : current control loop
* SS CN interrupt
* ASYNC serial ports
* TIMER3 - used for main loop timing, and disable the current loop controller if there is no SPI activity
==SPI slave==
* setup DMA channel for SPI slave.  No interrupt on the DMA
* config SPI to be a slave that uses SS as CS
* config CN11 (SS) to generate interrupt on both edges, make sure this int priority less than the PWM and serial
* SS is asserted, causes CN interrupt which loads TX data into DMA controller
* expect that 10uS is required for the loading
* assume F SCLK is 1MHz, 16uS per word - thus the magic word is transfered during this interval
* CN is negated, CN interrupt verifies that SPI DMA completed, and if Magic match - transfers Rx data into local registers, or increments SPI error count

Latest revision as of 04:53, 7 December 2009
